Online Ordering
Our online order entry system is simple, easy to use, and accessible from any location.
- We provide customized individual address books.
- You will receive confirmation emails when the order is received, when it’s picked up by one of our professional couriers, and when it’s delivered.

Barcode Scanning & GPS Tracking
Our customized software, full integrated barcode scanning and GPS allows for real-time tracking and a history of courier and specimen locations.
- Our barcode scanning solution allows us to verify that your courier was at your client’s location or lock box at a specific date and time.
- We verify each pickup through a unique barcode associated with every scheduled stop on every route.
- Our scanning solution has the ability to track individual bags picked up from every office we service (system requires a unique barcode for each bag).

Route Tracking & Visibility
We provide route tracking through our advanced GPS technology.
- Allows for visibility of inbound route and specimen shipments.
- Verifies courier route in real-time.
- Verifies courier route history within seconds of your request.
- Optimizes routing and stop sequence.

Online Tools & Reporting
Online system provides easy to use order entry & reporting functions.
- Custom manifests are visible online for complete transparency of every courier route.
- Volume Expectation Reports (VEX) - our unique custom report identifying scheduled stops that may not be meeting your volume expectations.